During 2021 the number of consultants rose from 8 to 12.
The pandemic has limited the growth, however it has also made it possible to recruit persons from outside the greater Helsinki region. One consultant was hired from Iisalmi and one from Kouvola. Remote work makes it possible to start consulting assignments from remote locations.
Unicus consultants are performing well in remote offices. Saving time & energy whilst not commuting to office and back is possible with modern technology.
One additional meeting type was added, as Unicus introduced the walking meetings. Once a month the manager goes to the home of the consultant to walk for an hour. Perfect way to exchange ideas and hear the latest from the customer projects, as well as getting some fresh air.
Disposable income
According to the recent survey the satisfaction with the disposable income in the Finnish Unicus team rose from 4,9 to 8,63.
A significant increase of 3,73. Unicus salary is based on the local collective agreement.
Fair salary is one of the Unicus key principles.
Quality of life
Finns are, according to studies, the happiest people on the planet. That is shown in the Unicus social impact surveys.
All 9 different measured areas improved during 2021. The most significant increase in disposable income, but areas developed well too.
Mental well-being
In the Unicus survey 11/12 areas increased in mental well-being. Focus on supporting falling asleep will be done in 2022.
This will include some lectures and also out-door activities, such as the walking meetings.
During the pandemic it has been important to regularly follow up employees and their well-being.
For me, it is a big plus that I have had the opportunity to meet similar people like myself. Some I have very good contact with and they have become my friends.
Here I have a small community where I can relax. I can be open about how I feel and no one takes it badly if I say no to an activity if I feel I need to prioritize recovery.
“I did not know that there was a workplace like Unicus. Here my strengths emerge, my weaknesses do not stop me, and I get a chance to work with the brain instead of with the body «, says Sara
Alla Unicus konsulter har Asperger. Med diagnosen följer en rad förmågor som gör dem särskilt väl lämpade för IT-utveckling och kvalitetssäkring, däremot har många det /../