Impact Unicus Sweden Impact Unicus Sweden

Unicus kontor i Stockholm

Impact Unicus Sweden 2021

The impact results shows that Unicus employees as a collective have a significantly higher quality of life and better mental health compared with before. In addition, which is quite obvious, a clearly better financial standard. All questions in our survey asked have support in academia, which gives our measurement greater credibility than if the questions were our own.

Impact results Sweden

In conclusion, I want to return to the results from the measurement of the impact Unicus makes in the lives of our employees. The scale used is 1-10. Our conclusion is that Unicus makes a difference – but we will not stop evolving – we can do more. Both for those who are already in the company and for many who have not yet had a chance to work.

 Impact area At start Unicus 2021 Change
Employability 3,1 5,5 64 %
Disposable Income 3,6 6,1 69 %
Quality of Life 5,0 6,1 21 %
Mental Well-Being 4,9 6,5 34 %


Unicus Sweden is growing, which means that we can offer jobs to more and more people. Since the start in January 2017, we have grown to 50 employees at the time of writing (2021), of which 45 are consultants. In 2021 alone, we have grown with 15 employed consultants. The way forward is about continuing to grow, the closest intermediate goal is that we will be at least 100 consultants in Sweden when we close the books in 2024.

Be a good employer

Unicus’ business stands and falls with how good we are at taking care of and developing our employees. These are words said by many companies but in the world of Unicus it is more true and central than for others its our way of operating our DNA.

Unicus creates great value by offering real jobs. But working is not just easy, as it is for everyone, so our ongoing follow-up of our employees is crucial. Undoubtedly most important are our consulting managers who have regular contact and dialogue with their employees. As an addition and to get a more impartial and impersonal follow-up, we conduct short surveys every month. The questions vary but are recurring and focus on three different areas. The employee’s mood, thoughts about Unicus and thoughts about his assignment. This is an important part of our impact management and embedded in our operations.

Unicus’ model as a consulting company provides an impact that lasts over time. Because our employees are consultants, they always have access to customer-independent support in their everyday lives. They also have someone who looks after their mood and development over a longer period of time and who can be involved in acting if things happen to a customer who goes against this. Transparency, ie that our employees have an autism diagnosis, remains. In addition, Unicus will be a community where our employees can meet like-minded people and establish peer relationships.

Impact through communication and to inspire

Social media is a central part of Unicus’ communication with the outside world. Our business gives us many experiences and thoughts that are grateful to share. We produce customer cases and employee stories about once a month. The idea with the customer case is that it should contribute to creating interest among customers who have not yet bought, but also contribute to security for customers who are about to buy. In addition, we would like to share which highlights those who choose to buy from us. The employee story has proven to be very useful in our recruitment by showing diversity and the personal, which also helps to color the picture of our employees’ abilities and interests. Hopefully it also feels fun to be portrayed.

In May, Unicus participated in the EU-organized Diversity Month. We contributed there with four much appreciated webinars about Unicus start and development, recruitment. In the last webinar, we invited two of our customers to speak.

Arbetsförmedlingen is a partner that we interacted closely with in 2021, for example by giving lectures and sharing our experience in «autism and work».

New office in Malmö

In 2021, we expanded our business to Malmö and look forward to continue the successful and positive development we have had since the start in Stockholm in 2017.