Unicus Helps World-Renowned Companies Build Neuroinclusive Organizations

Unicus Helps World-Renowned Companies Build Neuroinclusive Organizations

Now is an excellent time for employers that want to learn more about neurodiversity. Beginning in January of 2024, Unicus has offered practical training and implementation of neurodiversity in organizations.

Many companies want to know more about neuroinclusion at work and how to develop neuroinclusive leadership. That is one reason for Unicus’ new solution: Neuroinclusion Services. After  years of working as a consulting manager at Unicus, Therése Utsi is in charge of developing this new area of business:

– Neurodiversity means that the brain processes information in ways that are outside the norm. All of Unicus’ consultants are on the autism spectrum, as well as colleagues with ADD, ADHD, and dyslexia. Our goal with Neuroinclusion Services is to pass on years of hands-on experience and knowledge to our clients.

Research shows that about 15 percent of the population handles information in ways that would be categorized as neurodiversity. Without the right support, this invisible disability can cost companies a lot of money.

– What’s the cost of missing a deadline? Therése asks. Or even worse: What is the cost of sick leave for those who struggle to hide their difficulties? Either way, it’s negative for both the individual and the employer.

The Demand is Huge

According to Gartner, one in four Fortune 500 companies will actively try to recruit neurodivergent talent by 2027. Companies also face an increase in legislation related to their ESG reporting.

Therése has already noticed a huge demand for better knowledge in neuroinclusion.

– We can barely keep up with the demand. Gartner and other early adopters understand the competitive advantage that neurodiversity provides. It starts with leadership; all managers need to understand why inclusion is important.

The idea behind Neuroinclusion Services is to increase leaders’ knowledge of neurodiversity. To demonstrate the value of neuroinclusivity, Unicus uses annual data analysis, showcasing the business value of the investment to each client.

Unicus’ focus is not towards individual adaptations, but to create a workplace that is inclusive for as many people as possible. By providing practical training to leaders, they can start to adapt their regular workflows one by one. In a systematic effort, we will integrate neuroinclusion into your organization’s daily operations.

Neurodiversity Exists in All Teams

Unlike auticon/Unicus’ consultancy services, Neuroinclusion Services go beyond the IT department. It doesn’t matter what you do, what language you speak, or if you’re a man or a woman; neurodiversity exists in all teams. With a better understanding and training in neuroinclusion, your leaders will be able to create the behavioral changes that truly make a difference.

– No other company has this kind of practical expertise in building and leading a truly neurodiverse organization, says Therése. Within Unicus/auticon, we have almost 600 consultants on the autism spectrum — which makes our services very unique.

With support from Unicus, employers can improve their processes and daily operations to include more people. From recruitment and onboarding, to retaining talents within the organization, this is the starting point of positive change for both the organization and its employees.

Neuroinclusion Services with Unicus

Unicus/auticon is an international provider of neuroinclusion. We have decades of experience building and leading an organization where 95 percent of employees have autism, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, and other profiles.

Neuroinclusion Services offers a path to more neuroinclusive leadership.  It is built around our clients’ daily operations. We can provide your team with strategic advice, training for leaders and teams, digital courses, and coaching that truly makes a difference.

For more information, contact Therése Utsi.

Karolina Örsta
Text: Karolina Örsta